Regina Magiei Albe din Romania
Maria Câmpina şi-a primit titlul de regină de la regretatul parapsiholog Ion Ţugui, care a fost la postul de televiziune Tele7abc şi de la mai mulţi parapsihologi specialişti, după anul 1989. De atunci, a fost încoronată drept regina incontestabilă a Magiei Albe din România.
Queen of the White Magic, Maria Campina was the witch of Ceausescu family
Two months before the execution of Ceauşescu, he predicted her tarot cards death that will happen bloodshed but it was believed, although history has amply demonstrated foresight Maria Câmpina.
He participated in many competitions and press conferences. In a very important competition, attended by over 80 healing and clairvoyant Maria Câmpina won first prize and has since remained the undisputed leader of witches in Romania.